What is PieceX for OSS?

Allan from PieceX

Last Update hace 2 años

What is OSS?

OSS refers to open source software is a software source code that is designed to be accessible to the public under a license in which the copyright holder grants users the rights to use, study, change, and distribute the software and its source code to anyone and for any purpose as they see fit.

What is PieceX for OSS?

PieceX for OSS is our open source initiative where supporters of Github open sources can provide additional features, support, or customizations for existing open sources repositories. Providers offering additional functions, support or code customizations can upload their subscriptions plans for other users to purchase. You can choose between different plans with either a monthly subscription or one-time payment.

Do you charge for the open source code?

No, all users can download the open source without any charge. Additional services are available for purchase as planned. These plans or subscriptions offer personalized support, additional features, or customizations that are not included in the public open source code repository.

PieceX for OSS is oriented to existing MIT open source repositories. The sellers offer additional features to an existing repository. For PieceX products, the products’ code base is proprietary.

What is an OSS plan?

A plan for OSS (open source plan) is an additional service, feature, customization, or support that is offered for an open source MIT product. The plans are available for purchase via monthly subscription or one-time payment at the discretion of the plan provider.

What is a provider?

A PieceX for OSS provider is a verified repository owner, contributor, or verified partner that is able to upload a PieceX for OSS plan into the marketplace for other users to purchase.

How can apply to be a provider of PieceX for OSS?

If you are not an official contributor for the repository but you are an official partner, please email us at [email protected] with the relevant information: name of your company, repository name, and how you are qualified to provide support to open source. We will verify the information and send you the resolution of the request.

Can I provide support for a repository that is not available in Github/private repository?

No, currently only Github public repositories are available for PieceX for OSS.

How are PieceX for OSS providers verified?

We automatically verify the ownership and supporters of the GitHub repository through your Github account. Please make sure to register your account using the Github icon. This will make the upload smoother. If you register your account without linking your Github account, please email us at [email protected]. If the provider is not an official supporter of the repository but is an authorized partner, we conduct a private investigation to verify the qualifications of the providers before allowing them to upload a PieceX for OSS plan.

Which open source can I provide support to?

You can provide support to any public Github open source repository as long as you are:

- An official partner

- The owner of the repository.

- An active supporter of the repository.

- A qualified software company/individual.

Want to know more? Visit here for more information. 

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