Support for OSS plans

OSS plans including support as an additional feature

Allan from PieceX

Last Update 2 năm trước

OSS including support as an additional feature will indicate it in the plan details section “Included features” under “Advanced/dedicated support”.

For the open-source plan under the “one-time payment” basis, the open-source provider will need to provide support for the open-source plan for at least 3 more months according to the plan’s specifications. In the case of the open-source plan subscription on a monthly basis, the open-source provider will need to provide support for the rest of the current paid month.

OSS plans to provide support

If the open-source plan explicitly indicates that it includes support services, the support will be delivered by the open-source plan provider according to the terms applicable to the purchased plan. Each support plan will indicate the activities included. The support will be provided according to the business hours indicated by the OSS provider. The business hours are the hours during the day in which you will be available to provide support. The response time of the support depends on the type of inquiry or severity of the issue/inquiry and is indicated in terms of business hours defined by the seller.

There are 2 types of severities:

High Severity: A high severity means that the source code or a critical functionality of the source code is inoperable. This usually indicates an inability to access products or services resulting in a critical impact on operations. This condition requires an immediate solution.

Low Severity: An inquiry or non-technical request. The product, service, or functionality is usable and the issue does not represent a significant impact on operations.

For example, if the product states that the response time for a high severity is 12 hours. It means that the seller will reply and provide assistance to a high critical problem within 12 hours business hours of the initial notification of the issue.

The support indicates the business hours that the seller operates and the timezone of the seller. Each OSS plan including support will also state the communication channels that the OSS provider has available for support. The communication channels state how the OSS provider will provide support. The support activities are also detailed under “Support features”. Please notice that some OSS plans may or may not include a number of engineering hours. These are the engineering hours included in each plan.

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