Support via customization request

Request additional functionalities for products

Allan from PieceX

Last Update 2 yıl önce

Seller support is applicable for products that specifically state so on their product page. Activities like technical support, source code upgrades regarding reported bugs, or any functionality described on the product page are included as seller support for a frame time of 6 months after the product purchase. If you wish to add or modify the source code in a way that is not included in the product page, you will need to request a customization. Customizations are priced according to the seller’s judgment in terms of complexity and are related to the requirements described by the buyer.

The process for customizations starts when you make a request for customization. To make a request for customizations, please visit your purchase history page and add the specific requirements. Describe in detail the new feature/function or process of the source code you want.

After you submit the request for customization, the seller will send you a quote with the specific contents of the customization and the price. When you receive the quote, you will need to add it to your cart and proceed with the checkout.

After payment (please notice that the amount will have a “pending” status until the customization is completed), the seller will start the development of your customization after your payment has been authorized.

The seller will have a maximum of 20 days to deliver your customization. When the seller uploads your customization, you will receive an email notification and you will be able to download it.

You will have 3 days after the seller delivers to approve or request a review (report) of the customization.

If you don’t approve or request a review for the customization will be marked as ”completed” and your approved payment will be finalized.

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