Standard seller support for source code

Understanding Seller Support and Customization Options on PieceX

Allan from PieceX

Last Update 10 maanden geleden

At PieceX, we strive to provide a platform that offers comprehensive support options to buyers. In this knowledge base article, we will explain the concept of seller support and outline the terms and conditions associated with it. Additionally, we will discuss customization options available for source code products, enabling you to tailor them to your specific needs.

Seller Support Overview

Seller support is a service provided by PieceX sellers for selected products, based on their discretion. This support ensures that sellers are available to assist buyers with any issues related to using the purchased item. It is important to note that seller support is not offered by all sellers and is subject to the individual terms defined by the seller for each product.

Identifying Products with Seller Support

Products that include seller support will clearly state this information on their respective product pages. When browsing the catalog, look for indications that support is included in the product description. If a product does not mention seller support, it means that the seller does not offer this service for that particular item.

What Seller Support Covers

For products that include seller support, the following provisions apply:

  • Support Duration: The seller will provide support for a period of up to 6 months following the purchase of the product. This ensures that you have access to assistance during the initial stages of implementing and utilizing the source code.
  • Technical Queries: Sellers will directly respond to technical questions you may have about the product. They possess in-depth knowledge of the source code and can provide guidance and clarification on its functionalities.
  • Bug Fixes: In case you encounter any bugs or issues with the source code, the seller will provide updates to address these problems. This ensures that you receive prompt resolutions and a smooth user experience.
  • Guidance and Additional Information: Sellers can offer guidance on aspects of the source code that may not be covered in the provided User Guide. They can provide insights into specific functionalities or offer additional information to enhance your understanding of the product.

Customization and Third-Party Support

Standard seller support does not include customization, installation, or assistance with third-party sources. If you require any customization, such as adding new features, functions, or integrations, you will need to request it separately. Customization involves altering the source code to meet your specific requirements, and the price for customization is determined by the seller.

Seller support on PieceX is a valuable service provided by sellers for selected products, ensuring that buyers have access to assistance and guidance. When browsing the catalog, check product descriptions to identify items that include seller support. Remember that customization options are available for tailoring source code products to your needs, but they require separate requests and may involve additional costs. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to our support team. Enjoy your experience on PieceX, and make the most of the available seller support and customization options!

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