Selling on PieceX

Allan from PieceX

Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

Who can sell at PieceX?

On PieceX, Software development companies and developers publish their Software as source code for other users to buy.

Basically, Software developers can sell their products at PieceX.

On the other hand, you can sell the software that you own the copyright (developed by Software development companies that transferred the copyright to you).

If you don’t know how to sell that software, you can contact our PieceX consultants for consulting.

How can I earn money at PieceX?

PieceX is an AI-Powered Source Code Marketplace where Software developers can sell their source code for apps, websites, templates, and scripts.

If you are an I.T professional or software developer you can start earning money from your source code, you just need to register at PieceX and upload your source code by visiting the “Sell Code” page. The website will guide you in uploading your source code.

After publishing, your product will be available for other users to buy.

At the end of the following month, we will deposit your earnings from your products’ sales of the month into your Paypal account or via Wire Transfer.

How do I upload my product?

If you wish to start selling a product you can do so by login in and accessing the “Sell Code” page. The wizard will guide you into uploading your source code into the marketplace.

How will I know when my product was bought?

When your product gets a sale you will receive an email notifying you about the sales details. Additionally, if you are registered to allow notifications in your device (chrome) you will get a push alert and the sale details will appear in your dashboard. You can post your product on your social media to promote more sales or click on the social media icon at the left corner of your product page to post your product into an SNS.

What is a user guide?

The buyers need to understand why your product might be useful for them before they decide to buy it. The User Guide tells people that your product is for them.

Piecex requires submitting a User Guide as a minimum requirement. Please provide step by step User Guide with instructions on installation, customization, and use and formatted as a .pdf or .docx, or .doc. You can create your own or use our sample User Guide as a template: . Click here for more tips and tools to automate the process: .

How to create a Main (cover) Image?

Your product's main image is very important since it creates the first impression on the buyers. In fact, it’s a make-or-break deal. A good or bad main image will translate into potential buyers clicking and checking your product details. If the image is bad then you are risking losing a lot of sales even if your product is excellent.

At PieceX we want to simplify our seller's experience and give all the tools to increase our seller’s sales. That is why we offer our sellers our free customized “Main Image Creation Tool”.

For more tips about how to create a good main image here: .

Can my code contain third-party libraries or refer to external sources??

Yes, however, please notice the following guidelines regarding third-party libraries and External Sources:

  • When possible, include the external source inside the compressed folder .zip of the product. Only link to external sources if it is absolutely necessary.
  • Any external source added to the product must be validated to ensure that the input/output is as expected.
  • Verify the external source before adding it to your product. Update your product periodically and remove/replace the external source when it is no longer relevant or no longer in line with the original objective.
  • Include only external sources if you are confident that the owner would not object to it or comes from an Open Source License, include the credits to the original author. Obtain permission if possible.
  • Users should be able to easily identify which external sources are linked to your product and it must be included in the User Documentation.
  • Do not link to external sources that are primarily commercial (for example, which includes advertisements), are offensive, or contain misleading information.
  • Only include external sources which you are confident are secure and do not contain any measures that may compromise security or add any threat or vulnerability. The communication of the external source must be encrypted and must contain the necessary security measures.
  • If the external source requires the use of credentials or keys, please add them inside the product or explain in detail how to obtain the credentials.
  • The inclusion of external sources is only allowed as input. Do not add any mechanism to collect the data or store data.

Can anyone post/upload the source code/item?

Yes, it is possible for anyone with the qualified skills to upload a product at PieceX. ( However, minors are excluded. )

What is the incentive for selling source code (remuneration)?

It depends on the code's popularity, the number of sales, and the price forecast.

Percentage (rate) is private, but you can check on “my page” for the amount of remuneration.

Will my source code/product be verified by PieceX?

To ensure the safety and quality of our product we will perform an inspection of your source code. During this inspection, we will verify that your product does not contain any harmful code and functions as described in your product’s description and live preview. We will notify you of the results of the inspection via email.

Can I still change the price of my product?

Yes, you can change your product price by editing your product. Please notice that PieceX provides our sellers with an AI dynamic price to optimize our sellers' and buyers' revenues so your product’s price might change with time.

You can always re-price your product according to your own judgment and our AI will take it into consideration for the next pricing update.

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