Benefits of Selling at PieceX

Allan from PieceX

Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

Software engineers and developers tend to work on a lot of projects during their job, giving them a chance to create several CSS or PHP website or c# projects. People around the world require these codes to integrate into their library as they create an app or other software. These codes don’t need to be extensive and complex; they can be targeted for a single feature such as an automated chatbot.

As developers, you may have source codes from your past projects. What if you were to get a chance to earn money by reusing your side projects like code PHP scripts or a food delivery app template? By selling these codes to the people who need to build a framework for their app, not only do they earn a side income, but they also provide solutions for various companies.

Here are some of the benefits that developers and sellers can get by using PieceX to sell their PHP scripts:

Reuse source codes

You may have written code for a part of the software for a past project. The code can be implemented with other software which provides similar services. You can sell the code to such people who provide those services and hence earn revenue on a code that you had already written.

AI-Based system

You do not have to assess and decide the price of your source code by taking in various complex factors into the calculation. At PieceX, the final price of the product is decided by AI software. It manages and assesses the cost of each source code available on PieceX and, with the help of that data, provides the right price for your source code.

The AI system takes various internal and external factors into consideration to get a cost estimation of the given project. With every update and change of the product, one can increase the price of their product. The AI system ensures that the sellers get a better return of investment on their product.

Multiple buyers

Are you skeptical that once you upload your code to sell, no one will buy it? PieceX has a large number of individual buyers as well as enterprises that are interested in buying various source codes. You can set the initial price of the source code as per the number of interested buyers and the usability of your code.  

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