Buying on PieceX

Allan from PieceX

Last Update il y a un an

Buying on PieceX is easy and secure. Our marketplace is filled with high-quality source code products from talented sellers around the world. To purchase a product, simply navigate to the product details page and click the “Buy Now” button. This will take you to the checkout page where you can review and complete your purchase. We use secure payment methods to ensure that your transaction is safe and protected. If you have any questions or concerns during the buying process, please reach out to our customer support team for assistance.

Which payment methods are available?

Payment can be done by PayPal or Credit Card (stripe). If you do not have PayPal account you can use your credit/debit card as well. Supported credit cards are Master, VISA, American Express, Discover. We are planning to continue to expand the card handling companies and the methods of payment in the future.

Is there any transaction Fee during purchase?

A payment fee will be added to your total purchase amount depending on the total amount of the purchase.

Can you issue a receipt after payment?

In the case of payment with PayPal account, the receipt is issued by PayPal directly and you will receive notification from PayPal.

In the case of payment with credit card, the usage statement issued by the card company will be the receipt.

Please consult us if you need a separate invoice.

Can the purchased source code/Item be freely used?

Feel free to modify the source code after purchasing it. It is possible to modify the source code you bought on PieceX, and upload it on PieceX to sell the modified version.

However, without modification: resale is prohibited, inside and outside PieceX. Please check the terms and conditions at the license page for more information.

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