Source Code Customizations


Allan from PieceX

Last Update 10 ay önce


To make a request for customizations. Visit your purchase history page, click on “request customization” and add your specific requirements.


After you submit the request for customization, the seller will send you a quote with the specific contents of the customization and the price.


Following the payment, the seller will start the development of your customization. The seller will have a maximum of 20 days to deliver your customization.


When the seller uploads your customization, you will receive an email notification and you will be able to download it.

All source code products at PieceX are customizable, you can adapt it according to your needs by programming or modifying its functions. If you don’t have the time to adapt the source code to meet your needs, the seller/developer of the product might be able to do it for you. If you want the seller of the product to accommodate your particular preferences and expectations, you can request customization for an additional cost.

If you want to include a new feature, function, or integration, you will need to request customization. By requesting customization, the seller will alter the source code to reflect your needs and requirement for a price defined by the seller.

For more information please visit: https://blog.piecex.com/blog/customizations/ 

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